The Benefits of Eccentric Training (Negative Resistance)

Eccentric training is a form of exercise that focuses on the controlled lengthening of a muscle while under tension. This process, also known as the negative phase of a movement, occurs when you slowly lower a weight after lifting it. A well-known example is gradually lowering a barbell during a bench press or returning to the starting position of a squat in a controlled manner. During eccentric training, the muscle is subjected to a greater load than during the concentric phase, when the muscle shortens. This results in significant strength development and helps to strengthen tendons and joints.


Diverse oefeningen die effectief zijn bij excentrische training.

The Meaning of the Word ‘Eccentric’

Eccentric training is a term you don’t hear every day. The word eccentric literally means “outside the center” or “deviating from the middle.” The term can have different meanings depending on the context. In fitness and anatomy, eccentric refers to the controlled lengthening of a muscle during movement. This occurs, for example, when you slowly lower a weight. It is the opposite of concentric movement, where the muscle shortens. Typical concentric exercises include the bicep curl and bench press.

The Popularity of Eccentric Exercises

Eccentric training has gained popularity due to its unique benefits for strength development, muscle growth, and injury prevention. This training method focuses on the lengthening phase of the muscle, during which the muscle can generate more force than in the concentric phase. As a result, the muscle is subjected to a greater load, leading to increased strength development and improved muscle growth (hypertrophy). Additionally, eccentric training helps to strengthen tendons and joints, reducing the risk of injuries. Performing the negative phase of an exercise in a controlled manner also causes more muscle fiber damage, which enhances the recovery process and promotes faster muscle growth.

Combining Concentric and Eccentric Exercises

Eccentric exercises are most effective when combined with concentric exercises. The ideal sequence is to first perform the concentric phase of an exercise, where the muscle shortens, followed by the eccentric phase, where the muscle slowly and controlledly lengthens. For example, in a biceps curl: lift the weight upward (concentric) and then lower it slowly (eccentric). By slowing down the eccentric phase (e.g., 3 to 5 seconds), you increase tension on the muscle fibers, leading to greater strength development and muscle growth. Eccentric training can be incorporated into almost any exercise, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses.

Positive Effects on Muscle Recovery and Injury Prevention

Eccentric training is increasingly embraced by physiotherapists due to its positive effects on muscle recovery and injury prevention. This training method focuses on the controlled lengthening of the muscle, which helps strengthen both muscles and tendons. Physiotherapists often use it in rehabilitation programs for injuries such as tendon inflammations (e.g., Achilles tendonitis or tennis elbow), as the controlled tension on the affected tendons promotes recovery without excessive strain.

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